Papillomas in intimate places - a hidden threat

papillomas on the genitals

Faced with the formation of neoplasms in the genital area, patients often prefer to silence it, being ashamed to contact a specialist with such a delicate problem.

This is especially dangerous in that genital papillomas often turn into malignant tumors and cause the development of an oncological process. Consider the main localization sites, causes and methods of treating papillomas on the genitals.

consultation with a doctor about the treatment of papillomas

What causes papillomas in intimate places?

Papillomas on the genitals are exclusively of viral origin and are associated with human infection with the "papillomavirus". Absolutely anyone can become a carrier of this viral agent, even carefully monitors his own hygiene. The fact is that infection occurs directly - by contact, with a simple touch of the skin of the carrier of the virus, as well as in the process of using common household items.

The mechanism of sexual transmission of the virus is the most active and provides 100% infection through unprotected sexual contact. Against the background of the fact that an average of 85% of the world's population suffers from the papillomavirus, infection becomes almost inevitable.

Despite this, not all carriers face the problem of neoplasm formation. The virus can lie dormant for a long time before it emerges. In this case, its active reproduction occurs in the basal layer of the epidermis, which ultimately causes hyperplasia. For the development of skin manifestations of genital papillomas, certain conditions must be created:

  1. weakened immunity;
  2. Injuries and damage to the mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  3. Chronic diseases associated with hormonal failure or endocrine disorders;
  4. The presence of bad habits;
  5. Stress, overwork, neuro-emotional stress;
  6. Strong infectious or inflammatory process.

Types of papillomas on the genitals and their danger

the danger of papillomas for men

Most papillomas in the intimate area look like pointed papillae that can fuse to form cauliflower-like lobed structures. The color of such neoplasms varies from light pink to bright red. In medicine, such epithelial growths are also called genital warts. The localization of warts in representatives of different sexes is somewhat different.

Papillomas in an intimate place in men:

  • Papillomas on the head of the penis;
  • Papillomas in the hollow member (directly on the body of the organ);
  • Papillomas on the surface of the scrotum;
  • Papillomas in the anus.

Papillomas in an intimate place in women:

  • papillomas on the labia;
  • papillomas in the vagina;
  • Cervical papillomas;
  • papillomas in the uterus;
  • Papillomas in the anus.

The formation of genital warts in the intimate area carries various dangers, the main of which is malignant degeneration. The fact is that some types of viruses are oncogenic and integrate into the carrier genome. Such a process can lead to a precancerous state or progressive oncology. This is especially true for cervical papillomas, which cause cancer in 50% of cases.

In many countries, a system of vaccination for the fair sex has been introduced, which helps to significantly reduce the risks, but such a phenomenon is difficult to prevent, since the symptoms of papillomas on the internal genital organs in women may not appear for a long time. As a result, a neoplasm is often detected during a gynecological examination.

Vaginal papillomas reduce the patient's sexual life quality by causing slight bleeding and discomfort during sexual intercourse. In addition, this phenomenon can be characterized by profuse vaginal discharge, accompanied by a burning sensation and pain during urination.

Papilloma on the labia leads to complexes and self-doubt, which are often associated with the aesthetic component of the genitals. It should be understood that even benign neoplasms in close proximity can be injured during sexual contact, urination or active movement. The danger of mechanical damage to genital papillomas lies in the possibility of severe bleeding and infection. In addition, a moist environment creates conditions that prevent rapid healing of the wound surface.

Diagnosis of genital papillomas

Often, to make a definitive diagnosis, it is enough for a specialist to conduct a comprehensive physical examination, but confirmation is carried out using PCR diagnostics, which allows to detect the papilloma virus in the patient's blood. In addition, depending on the localization of the neoplasm, additional diagnostic measures can be taken:

  • anoscopy;
  • ureteroscopy;
  • Histological examination;
  • colposcopy.

How to treat papillomas in intimate places

treatment of papilloma on the genitals

Treatment of genital warts involves the use of a set of measures aimed at strengthening immunity and weakening the viral agent. Medications and procedures should only be prescribed by a specialist. Also, a mandatory step in the treatment of papillomas is the removal of neoplasms, which can be done in the following ways:

  • cryodestruction;
  • Radio wave excision;
  • laser correction;
  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Surgical excision.

The best method of eliminating genital papillomas is laser therapy, which is carried out by vaporizing the neoplasm with a directed laser beam. The procedure takes only a few minutes and does not cause significant discomfort to the patient, as it involves the use of local anesthesia. In the process of manipulation, the specialist gets the opportunity to control the depth of exposure, which ensures the effectiveness of the method and reduces the likelihood of recurrence.

The indisputable advantage of laser destruction is the antiseptic properties of the beam, as well as the stimulation of regenerative processes in tissues. Opening of bleeding during laser therapy is excluded, since the vessels are subjected to thermal coagulation.

Modern clinics offer the removal of papillomas in close proximity to their customers with subsequent histological analysis. Experienced specialists of the medical center guarantee the effectiveness and painlessness of the procedure, which is carried out using the latest laser equipment.